Musica Mechanica in Rüdesheim, Germany
Europe's oldest and largest mechanical music swap meet - April 11-13, 2025
For over four decades, the Musica Mechanica market and swap meet has attracted buyers and sellers of unique mechanical-music devices from all over Europe. Here you will find:
- Gramophones
- Phonographs
- Music boxes
- Organettes
- 78rpm records, cylinders,
music-box discs, player-piano rolls - Needle tins
- Books
- Parts, horns, soundboxes, reproducers, etc.
- And much more!
Musica Mechanica, Europe's oldest and largest mechanical-music fair, is held twice a year in the beautiful town of Rüdesheim, Germany, which is about an hour's drive west of Frankfurt. The entrance is just across from the main train station at Am Rottland 3-5 in one of the old Hugo Asbach distillery locations.
For a detailed description of the weekend's activities, click here.
If you would like to sell things, click here.